Trust is the foundation of an effective software team. A team that is empowered and trusted is more likely to speak up and address pervasive technical issues that could threaten disaster for a company.
Lou Bichard
Software Developer
A software developers guide to quitting your job
The time will come to quit your job - make sure you do it right.
Quitting a job can be a delicate time, there’s definitely a right way and a wrong way to go about it. However, it can be an opportunity to strengthen relationships with your employer, by providing feedback and helping them to understand your reasoning to leave.
The best personal investment you’ll ever make: Touch typing
Some investments pay more than others, for developers this one pays the most.
Debug with the scientific method and preserve your sanity
Debugging is an art. An art that is honed and crafted over many years and after finding many bugs – you develop a six sense to where problems might originate or how they might be fixed. However, some bugs are just too damn hard to fix quickly – in which case you’ll need the scientific method.
How to build resilience and master your emotional responses
Being in control of your emotions and your reactions to situations is crucial as a team member and as a leader.
As software developers we don’t take a lot of interest in our own “emotions” and we often neglect how much they have the ability to improve or detriment our careers.
How using metaphors saved my bacon
Throughout my career I have found metaphors to be an incredible tool. Good use of metaphors shows how you are someone who can communicate strongly, especially when it comes to big, complicated issues. In fact I’ve even talked about my top 3 metaphors before.
What my life’s most terrifying event taught me about leadership
We often grow from the situations that make us uncomfortable. There was one situation, in the New Hampshire wilderness that definitely taught me a valuable lesson in monitoring how you respond to stress when leading a group.
A simple strategy for staying calm under pressure
If there’s one thing I’ve seen across every leader that I’ve worked with over the years, it is that they are calm under pressure. The world might seem to be crumbling around them, but they hold it together for the sake of the team. Most leaders don’t become calm under pressure by chance, they achieve it through deliberate practice and by having a process.
5 tips on how to: ask powerful questions to get powerful answers
Asking questions is incredibly important as a skill – knowing when and how to ask questions can really drive your development and not knowing how and when asking is important can leave you missing out on so many opportunities.
Enable strong conversation with 3 versatile metaphors
As software developers – our world is increasingly complex with each line of code. As technology progresses, we’re given more tools and more jargon. Our language can quickly separate us from the others that work around us, and isolate those that don’t really understand. It’s a developers job to try and make their work and their communication as simple as possible. One way to achieve simpler communication is through metaphors.